Mauthausen to Auschwitz - Visions of the Holocaust is a Holocaust Exhibit that makes use of photos and quotes to educate about what the Holocaust was and the scope of this event. There is a wealth of information in this exhibit and it is invaluable to students and adults. This exhibit is particularly useful as a teaching tool for teachers and schools. Even if you have had this exhibit at your facility previously, it is constantly being updated so re-booking it can be just as useful and valuable as the first booking. As each person enters the exhibit they receive a card which introduces one of the multitudes of prisoners that were imprisoned by the Nazis. When they exit the exhibit the person learns what became of the prisoner on their card.
Our rates are very reasonable and we go out of our way to work within your budget constraints. This is a very valuable resource that should be made available to everyone.
Feel free to browse through a sampling of the contents of the exhibit in the photo gallery below and then give us a call to book the exhibit at your venue.